Why AI-generated Content Still Needs Human Touch

AI writing tools are quick in generating content but they lack uniqueness, key insights, personalization, good readability and many other things. This guide will help you learn why AI-generated content requires human touch and how a writers makes such content better.

Generative AI tools are capable of providing content at a much faster pace. While these tools are quick in generating content - the quality of the content isn't always ideal.

AI writing typically include factual mistakes, repetition of same words or too much general information. Sometimes the readability is extremely hard and content gives you a robotic feeling. This makes it mandatory for us to check AI content before publishing it.

Now here a good news for all those who feared that AI writing tools are going to end their jobs. A content writer can edit AI writing to add creativity and uniqueness which it was previously missing.

In this article, I am going to share some of the major differences between AI and human content. I will also discuss reasons why AI-generated content still needs human touch.

So without further ado, let's start.

Is AI-generated content good in quality?

Generative AI tools are not meant to be writing content. Their main purpose is to assist users and not to write content for articles.

If you use a generative AI tool for writing, it will provide average content that is below average. That content lacks so many things, like:

  • Creativity and emotions
  • In-depth Subject Expertise
  • Originality and uniqueness
  • Critical thinking
  • Personalization
  • Readability
  • Consistency in writing style
  • Key insights and sentence structure

These are some of the main things that make content stand out. If you take only one thing away, your content quality decreases.

Also Read: Does AI Content Help or Hurt My Website's SEO?

AI Content vs. Human Content

AI content created by generative AI tools is typically different from what human content is. Sometimes it is so basic that you can read and tell it's an AI written. Let's discuss some of the common differences between human and AI-written content.


AI Content

Human Content

Content Creation Method

AI content is generated by AI algorithms with minimal human input

Human content comes from writers who use their knowledge/experience

Content Generation Speed & Quantity

AI content is rapidly generating the large volume of content

Slower process of creating content by humans or, smaller amount of content

Consistency in Producing Content

Maintains consistent style and tone

Varied styles, adaptable to audience/context

Accuracy of Content

Based on data, might lack real-life insight

Draws from human experience, emotions, context

Authenticity in Content

Less personal, lacks emotional depth

Often carries emotional authenticity and engaging sentences

Adaptability of Content

Less adaptable, follows predefined patterns

Versatile, easily adjusted to different needs

Complexity in Content

Limited in handling, difficult in words or complex topics

Excels in managing complexity, emotions and relatability of text

Purpose of Written Content

Efficient for data-driven or repetitive tasks

Great for storytelling, emotional connection

Also read: Key steps to make ChatGPT undetectable

Why AI-generated content need human editing?

It is a fact that AI tools can't provide quality content, but does this make them useless? Absolutely not! AI writing tools can still be extremely helpful if you use them the right way.

A content writer or specialist can do some editing to make AI content stand out. You just don't have to rewrite everything, but little tweaks and some editing help a lot.

Here are the main reasons why AI-written content needs human editing.

1. Adding originality to AI-written content

AI-generative tools can create a large amount of content but can't come up with new ideas. Just think of a second, like you are using an online writing tool to generate content.

This gives you detailed information related to the prompt but lacks originality. Humans can add originality by providing facts, actual information, data, and accurate statistics.

So, while AI can quickly produce content, human editing is still needed to make sure it's original. For example, an all-out AI content typically looks like this:

Prompt: Describe the benefits of using solar energy.

AI-Generated Response

Harnessing the sun's boundless energy, solar power emerges as a beacon of hope in an era of environmental concerns and energy scarcity. It doesn’t only make clean electricity; it changes how we use energy. It builds a better future for everyone.

Human-Edited Response

Solar energy is used to generate electricity. It can produce electricity to power homes and businesses to reduce greenhouse effects. Solar energy is also affordable and efficient for everyone.

You do not need to be a writing specialist to identify the difference between both content versions. An AI tool can't edit content the way a human does.

Note: We strongly recommend using our AI humanizer tool. Unlike other available tools, it adds value and improves your content quality.

2. A writer adds creativity that is missing in AI content

AI can quickly produce accurate and well-written content, but it lacks the human touch. Human writers, with their imagination and experiences, can create original and engaging work.

It could be better and connect with readers on a deeper level. Think of it like cooking. AI can follow a recipe to make a basic meal, but a human chef can add their own experience and creativity to write it.

AI can assist with content creation, but human editing is still needed to make the content original, engaging, and impactful. The lack of creativity in AI content and the addition of creativity in human content, for example, are:

Prompt: Describe the perfect chocolate chip cookie.

AI-Generated Response

A perfect chocolate chip cookie is a warm, soft, chewy cookie with a slightly crisp exterior and plenty of gooey chocolate chips. It is made with fresh, high-quality ingredients and baked to perfection.

Human-Written Response

The perfect chocolate chip cookie is of golden color with slightly crunchy edges and a soft, chewy center. It gives off the sweet smell of freshly baked dough mixed with the rich, chocolatey goodness of melted dark chocolate chips. Every bite is a delightful mix of textures. The soft, chewy sweetness gives the satisfying crunch of melted chocolate chips. This is the perfect chocolate chip cookie that accelerates your taste buds and brings back the memories of childhood.

3. A writer connects readers with their content

Generative AI can provide basic information, but it lacks the ability to connect ideas or explain the meaning of a topic. This is because AI writing tools provide you information on the existing data.

It has some limitations to generate original or impactful writing. Most often, it gives you the same information even with different prompts. Whereas human writers can add connectivity and context to their writing.

They can include various aspects in their writing style, like:

  • Understand their audience,
  • Conduct proper research
  • Organize various ideas
  • Provide background information
  • Drawing connections between ideas
  • Using clear language
  • Carefully revising their work

These are some strategies human writers can use to make AI writing much better. Here is an example that illustrates the difference between AI writing and human writing:

Prompt: Explain the importance of lifelong learning.

AI-Generated Response

Lifelong learning means learning new things throughout your life. It helps you stay updated in your field, keeps your mind active, and makes your life better. You can learn in many ways, like taking classes, reading books, or going to workshops.

Human-Written Response

Lifelong learning is about always learning new stuff. It helps you stay sharp in what you do, keeps your brain active, and makes life more interesting. You can learn by taking classes, reading books, or joining workshops.

Also read: How Much AI Content is Acceptable in Research Paper

4. Lack of accuracy and incorrect information

When AI writes content, it does not actually understand the topics and facts the same way people do. ChatGPT and other AI tools like AI paragraph generator write information in a way that it is true or genuine.

But these tools have no first-hand experience to truly check if the information is correct. They can unintentionally write inaccurate or false things while sounding right.

For example, an AI could give health advice that seems logical but actually contradicts proven medical science. Or it may state legal guidelines, confusing key details that only an expert lawyer would catch.

Without human editing and oversight from those deeply knowledgeable on subjects, there is a high risk of AI writing spreading subtle misinformation and mistakes even though it reads smoothly. People provide crucial perspectives and context that AI lacks.

AI-written (incorrect)

Taking antioxidant supplements is highly recommended to boost health, prevent cancer and heart disease, according to the latest medical research. Most experts suggest getting high dose combinations of vitamins A, C, and E for optimal protection.

Human-written (accurate)

Issues: inaccurately claims antioxidant supplements definitively prevent major diseases, overstating tentative evidence.

"High dose combinations" could encourage dangerous misuse.

Fails to mention proven healthful foods naturally high in antioxidants.

Sounds plausible but missing key factual nuance.

Antioxidant-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts may help prevent certain cancers and promote health.

However, the effects of antioxidant supplements always stay in discussion. Get your antioxidants from whole foods whenever possible.

As higher doses are not recommended to everyone before proper inspection.

So, consult your doctor about the proper supplements for you.

5. Risks of AI similarity and plagiarism

Once you generate content with AI tools like Bard or ChatGPT to write full articles or social media posts, some of the text is copied word-for-word from wherever the AI learned information.

This means that while using ChatGPT is fast and easy, parts of what it writes can match previous books, websites, or expert sources too closely. When a lot of the exact same phrases or sentences appear in the new content, this is called plagiarism.

Plagiarism is when you present someone else’s writing as your own original work instead of properly showing where you got ideas from. This can make readers feel tricked and break rules against copying.

AI-generated or plagiarized content could damage a brand’s reputation and trustworthiness. That’s why human editing is necessary to make the content unique. Always use an online AI text detector to find AI similarity percentages.

This process is crucial, especially since Google has started taking action against websites with AI content. Google sees raw AI content as unhelpful and penalizes a website publishing it.

In case your content has AI plagiarism, this tool will highlight that content section. You can edit that content to make it 100% human-written before publishing. If you require further assistance, read this guide to learn ways to humanize AI content.

For example:

AI-written (high risk)

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence system developed by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. It is designed to provide informative responses to user prompts while avoiding potential downsides of AI systems like bias, misinformation, and more.

Human-written (lower risk)

ChatGPT bursts onto the scene, displaying a sneak peek at the possibilities of AI, dazzling with its eloquence but demanding discernment. Beyond the hype swirl vital questions about balancing boundless computational potential with human wisdom that grounds progress in the service of truth.

Final thoughts

In this article, I discussed why human writers are still important for producing quality content. AI tools are not capable of replacing writers at least in the near future. Right now, the AI tool provides basic version of information that is not helpful at all.

It is a fact that AI tools provide quick content, but they often lack the accuracy, originality, and emotional connection that humans bring. But still, we can't write off AI tools at the moment.

AI writing tools are growing quite rapidly, and I hope they'll become better in the future. I use AI tools for assistance and would recommend you use the same way.

The future of content writing is bright, and AI writing tools are going to be the main tool a writer has in its arsenal.

Frequently asked questions

How can one identify if AI-generated content needs human editing?

Look for signs like lack of emotional depth, repetitive information, or inconsistencies. Human editing becomes necessary when the content lacks originality, fails to connect with the audience, or contains factual inaccuracies.

What steps can individuals take to enhance AI-generated content effectively?

You can enhance AI generated content by reviewing, refining, and adding unique perspectives to it. This includes the addition of creativity, verifying factual accuracy, and checking the emotional connectivity with the target audience.

What are the best practices for seamlessly integrating human touch into AI-generated content?

Try to engage in collaborative content creation where humans use AI-generated material as a foundation and then edit with their experiences, emotions, and contextual understanding. This combination results in content that connects deeply with readers.

How can AI-generated content be made more authentic and relatable to diverse audiences?

Human editors can edit AI-generated content for different demographics by adding cultural differences, personal experiences, and relatable references. This helps bridge the gap between generic AI content and the diverse preferences of varied audiences.

What role does human editors play in ensuring the credibility and trustworthiness of AI-generated content?

Human editors play a crucial role to verify facts, check out inaccuracies, and maintain ethical standards. It's instrumental in preserving a brand's credibility and fostering trust among the audience.

How does the collaboration between AI and human editors contribute to content innovation?

By using AI for rapid content generation and human editors for refining, adding creativity, and increasing the emotional connectivity, a symbiotic relationship builds. This collaboration encourages innovation by adding technological efficiencies with human creativity.