How to Humanize AI Content: A Complete Guide

Adding a human touch and humanizing AI content is crucial, because it transforms your content into more engaging, reader-friendly, and unique information.

By: Michelle Ballery, Published on: 2023-12-28 , Last Updated: 22-03-2024

Reviewed by: Michelle Ballery

Table of Contents

Introduction to humanizing AI content

AI tools generate all types of writing, including articles, social media posts, emails, and more. A single click of a button and a simple prompt give you a large amount of text.

But here's the thing: most of the AI text sounds pretty robotic. You can tell when it's missing that special human touch of creativity and feeling. As a reader, those emotionless, impersonal kinds of writing just don't pull you in or connect with you.

This is where humanizing AI-generated content comes in. Therefore, automated writing with human creativity, personalization, and expertise can produce high-quality content that connects with audiences.

In this guide, you’ll learn the value of humanizing AI content and step-by-step instructions to transform robot-like text into human-quality writing. Let’s get started!

What is the value of AI-generated content?

AI tools can help writers and businesses meet their high demands for content creation. With AI, you can:

1. Save your time and manual effort.

AI writing tools can draft full-length blog posts, social captions, emails, and more in minutes. This allows you to be more productive and saves you time from manual writing.

2. The use of AI gives you a large amount of content.

Automated writing means you can create much more content than writing manually. It is useful when you need a large volume of content in a short period of time.

3. AI Writing Costs You Less Than Human Writers

AI is very affordable compared to hiring writing agencies or freelancers. It makes content creation budget-friendly and creates great content in a short period of time.

4. AI Content Adds More Insights in Content Creation

Some AI tools analyze data to identify high-performing content styles and topics. This data can inform your strategy. The use of AI tools helps human writers but cannot replace them directly.

However, while AI-generated writing has its usefulness, it lacks originality and the human touch. By combining AI with human creativity and oversight, you get the best of both worlds: productivity as well as authenticity.

How to Change AI Writing for Humans

AI writing is helpful in creating content more quickly than human writers, but transforming robotic text into natural, human-sounding writing is crucial. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to transform AI-generated content into human-quality writing:

Step #1: Read the AI content carefully.

First, you’ll want to scan the text and identify sections that seem to be machine-written. What exactly should you look for? Here are three dead giveaways:

  • Boring, overused phrases that repeat themselves again and again
  • A writing style that jumps around inconsistently
  • Facts or figures that are outright inaccurate

When you notice these red flags, you’ve likely found some AI-generated text that needs some human refinement.

Step #2: Review AI content thoroughly, from A to Z.

Next, it’s time to thoroughly review the content to pinpoint areas needing improvement. We would recommend that you specifically double-check that:

  • All facts, data, and information presented are fully accurate.
  • The subject matter is relevant and aligns with the intended topic and audience.
  • The tone and style remain consistent throughout.

Making notes on what needs to be verified, aligned, or smoothed out will guide the revision process.

Step #3: Humanize AI Content With Human Touch

Now comes the main part, and after reviewing the whole article, add some human elements by doing:

  • Try to add some creativity by implementing your unique ideas and perspectives into the AI-written content.
  • Emotional touch is another addition to humanizing AI content that adds relatability, engagement, and connectivity to AI-written content.
  • Ethical thinking is also crucial when adding a human touch because it addresses potential bias or misinformation in AI content.

Step #4: Refine the Tone of AI Content as Per Your Readers

The last key step in humanizing AI content is to use a tone that your readers can easily understand. The tone and style of the content are according to the audience that is reading it. Some of the amazing steps to refine AI content are:

  • Avoid language complexity to match readers’ level of understanding.
  • Use formal and easy-to-read language to fit the expectations of the context.
  • Try to use a writing style that expresses the type of content and makes it meaningful for all readers.
  • Using simple words to tune the text of the AI-written content gives it a final human touch to make it unique.

Step #5: Add the Most Relatable Human Elements

To make AI writing appeal to people, you’ll want to add some personal human touches:

  • Tell your readers the real-life stories in AI content. For example, share examples and experiences from your own life so readers can relate.
  • Try to build little storylines into the content. It creates engaging mini-plots that draw readers in and help them get hooked on their pain points.
  • Use colorful language to describe things with difficult-to-read words. It adds a spark of sights and senses to people's imaginations and grabs their attention.

Step #6: Keep the Human in Charge as Real Human Editors

AI can draft content quickly, but it lacks human intelligence and values. So:

  • Give clear roles and decide what jobs AI does and what jobs humans do. This keeps things organized.
  • Train your team and help writers polish and perfect AI content. With practice, they’ll be pros and make AI written undetectable.
  • Try to create a balance between using AI writing tools and humanizing AI content to add creativity to top-quality content. Together, they achieve more and better content in a short time.

More Topics: The Future of AI Writing: What to Expect in the Years to Come

Benefits of Humanizing AI Content

When you humanize AI content, it offers some really impactful benefits. Let me tell you why taking the time to humanize machine-written content benefits you:

1. Humanizing AI content will make it more engaging.

When you add personal stories, humor, emotions, and opinions to AI drafts, the content becomes interesting. It also adds some interest and connections with readers in a way robotic writing never could.

2. It builds real trust with readers.

Readers want easy-to-read, simple words of information that will help them understand their pain points. So, when you add your human touch to AI content, it feels authentic and real. This builds credibility, which makes audiences far more receptive to your messages.

3. The human touch in AI content enhances its quality.

The human editors add value through their human traits of writing, ethics, and expertise. By polishing AI content, you transform it from mediocre to more readable, interesting, and qualitative.

4. Human touch increases AI content efficiency.

You can use your human brain to edit the content and make it way more interesting. It's like adding your own special efforts and expertise to the content. This way, you get the best AI content that people actually want to read.

5. It Future-Proofs Your Strategy

AI can write a lot, but humanizing AI content is what makes it truly awesome. To achieve this, you can incorporate your own ideas, humor, and personality, making it genuinely special.

The best part is that AI technology continues to improve every day. You, along with AI tools, can continuously create high-quality content together.

More Topics: Will AI Kill Content Writing?

Pro Tips to Change AI Writing for Humans

Changing AI writing for humans takes a lot of effort, but doing it will enhance your content quality. Here are some quick and pro tips to change AI writing to humans that will help you do this often. These are:




Use appropriate sentence length variation.

Mix long and short sentences to break up monotony and improve flow.

More natural and engaging reading experience.

Use active voice sentences.

Use active verbs where possible to directly address the reader and create a more dynamic tone.

Stronger reader engagement and clearer message delivery.

Add some humor for connectivity.

Add appropriate humor to connect with readers on a personal level and make the content more enjoyable.

Increased memorability and positive association with the content.

Provide valid and supporting facts.

Provide data, research, or real-world examples to back up your key points and establish credibility.

It builds trust with your audience and increases the persuasive power of your message.

Write a strong ending to the content.

Conclude each section with a call-to-action or powerful statement to leave a lasting impression and encourage desired reader action.

Clearer communication of your message and increased engagement.

Try to read aloud.

Read your content aloud to identify awkward phrasing, unclear sentences, and areas requiring further editing.

Improved clarity, flow, and overall impact of the written piece.


In this guide, we’ve discussed AI writing with human creativity and the addition of human touch to AI content. AI tools can quickly produce lots of writing. But human fixing adds realness, feeling, and skill to connect more with readers.

We gave helpful steps to change robotic AI text into good reading with lively words, facts, and stories people relate to. You learned how to spot areas to improve, check for the right facts, fit the style for readers, and put your own human touch.

We also covered the many benefits of making AI writing more human. After reading this, you now know how to add a human touch to AI work and make it more credible for readers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can AI-generated content be enhanced with human elements without compromising efficiency?

Yes, combining AI-generated content with human elements doesn’t compromise efficiency. AI's speed in generating content in bulk is complemented by human oversight that refines it into high-quality, engaging material. This partnership ensures both quantity and quality, boosting efficiency and providing content that resonates with the audience.

What are some expert tips for humanizing AI-generated content?

Expert tips include varying sentence length for better flow, using active voice to engage readers directly, incorporating humor to make content enjoyable and memorable, supporting key points with data or examples for credibility, ending sections with powerful statements or calls-to-action, and reading content aloud to identify and refine awkward spots.

How can one maintain a balance between AI efficiency and human creativity in content creation?

Achieving a balance between AI efficiency and human creativity involves understanding the strengths of each. Use AI for tasks that benefit from speed and volume, such as initial content generation. Then, employ human creativity to refine, personalize, and inject emotion and originality into the content. This collaboration optimizes efficiency while ensuring a human touch.

Can AI-generated content with a human touch resonate across diverse audiences?

Yes, by customizing human elements based on audience demographics and preferences, AI-generated content can resonate across diverse audiences. Tailor stories, language, and cultural references to reflect the diversity within the target audience, ensuring reliability and engagement.

How can content creators measure the effectiveness of humanizing AI-generated content?

Content creators can measure effectiveness through various metrics, such as audience engagement, conversion rates, social shares, and feedback. Analyzing these metrics before and after humanization efforts can reveal improvements in audience interaction and reception, indicating the success of the humanization strategy.

How does humanizing AI content benefit the audience?

Humanizing AI content leads to more engaging, trustworthy, and higher-quality material for the audience. By incorporating personal stories, humor, and emotions, the content becomes more relatable and interesting. This authenticity builds trust and credibility and establishes a genuine connection with readers, making the material far more captivating and engaging.

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